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more advice needed

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Ok, I apologize in advance for being so needy today. This quilt is basically done except for the black and large outer border. I can't come up with anything and that row house quilt I've been asking for help with has me all cufluffled. Any fun ideas for the borders? The sky background is done with a curly cue kind of meander and then the squares are terry twisted. Not sure what if anything to do in the cats or the moon. I'm feeling rather pathetic at the moment. Thanks girls.


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I have switched quilts now. Tired of the row houses already. Just have to finish this one. Borders are my issue. Quilting already done is described in my first post although you can't tell I did anything from the picture.

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Tracey--how about just making the black border more squares and do the Terry Twist in them--so it all seems continous-then I would maybe just do the same curlyq meander in the outer border--as it is the same color as the sky anyway.

I know we always think that custom means custom everywhere--but I think that your curlyq meander might just be the ticket here. And then it would be done!!!

Anyway--just some thoughts for you.

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