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NQR... The Greatest Dog Story ever told (tear jerker)

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what a tearjerker! where's my box of tissue?? oh yeah--bubba (one of my dogs) tore it to shreds the other day... i got a dog from the humane society a couple weeks ago... the two people who saw her before me didn't want her... i immediately fell in love... and she's starting to love me back... she was a little bag of bones and very shy when we first got her--now she's the first one to the food dish... i often wonder what her life was before (she wasn't spayed so i have my suspicions)... here's my newest little beauty (so odd looking, she's cute, huh?)


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Ok....that was really a tear-jerker - true or not! Our furry kids really can help make life bearable in trying times - my 'kid' Copper seems to know when the tears are coming - he puts his paws on my arm as if he's saying "It's OK, Mom!"

Just have to share my 'kid', too! This is Copper when he was 6 wks old - he's 2 now, but still just as cute! He's half Papillon and half Shi Tsu.


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