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Deb's Millie has a new home

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Well ladies, Debbi's Millie has settled in nicely in our basement quilting room! She has been all set up and ready to go for a week now but I think I have touched her twice. I teach GED classes to 16 to 19 year olds that have been kicked out of everything else and most have been court ordered into my program. Most of the time I wouldn't trade my job to anyone in the world but this week they have been a little nuts. My soon to be 98 year old mother also lives with us and she has not been well this week.

We stopped on our way back from Iowa and bought a Viking Topaz 30 machine but I have not even unpacked it yet. Oh if there were only more hours in the day!

The good news is ...Elmer is enjoying the Millie. He got her all put together...read the info on this site and managed to load a quilt and "float" it. Our quiltazoid arrived and he has it all set up and loves it. It just isn't fair that he has all the fun. He has promised to teach me as soon as I have the time.

My mom spends all day every day hand piecing so we have 14 tops ready to quilt whenever we (he) gets good enough. She keeps me pretty busy just keeping pieces cut for her. We have the Accu cut system though and it speeds things up a LOT.

We enjoyed a wonderful day with Debbi when we picked up the Millie. THANKS Debbi (congratulations on your quilt, it is BEAUTIFUL)!. I promised Debbi I would take good care of her Millie.

As much as I love my job, I sort of wish I could stay home and just enjoy all the new toys for awhile.

This forum is absolutely PRICELESS. Everyone is so helpful and it seems like the answers to ALL the questions can be found here.

I will keep you posted on how we (he) progresses!

Cheri Blevins

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You will find that your day job often gets in the way of your quilting needs...lol at least that is how I feel most days! Congrats on your new machine and your new Quiltazoid! I'll pray that you get some time to play. You are going to have so much fun! And congrats to your mom. Still going strong and sewing at almost 98! Tell her she is my idol!

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She is my idol too! I am the youngest of 13 kids and she was the BEST mother. It is awesome when my daughter (35 years old), my grandson (16), my mom and I get together in our basement to work on a quilt. Nathan uses the Accu cut....mom hand pieces and Candi and I piece on machines. Quilting is one of the few things that I know of that can bring 4 generations together to share and enjoy. Nathan has heard so many amazing stories that he will never forget (such as the very first time my mom saw a car!).

Cheri Blevins

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Dito on everything Heidi just said. I am very excited that you have a Millie now...the start of many years of enjoyment ahead. But most importantly, your Mother is still with you and still piecing! Her quilt tops will be priceless, priceless memories for your family. I lost my Mother just before Thanksgiving last year (November 21). She was 91 years old, but still lived in her own house and was functioning on her own just fine, until the cancer took over. Treasure this time with your Mother.

Now on an up-note...you're going to have a blast with your Millie, if you can get Elmer away from it for a while. LOL Maybe, you'll get to a point that you will need "his" and "her" machines. :)


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Congrats Cheri on your new toy....it won't be long and you will have a handle on things and we will be seeing pictures from you as well, but first you need to kick Elmer out of the way. Its great that you have your mother with you, it would have been fun sharing this hobbie with mine...I lost mine almost 25 years ago.

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