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NQR Niece

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My GD Leah loved to play with baby dolls and miniature baby afghans. I also made her a scrap bag, just a small bag with handles, full of fabric scraps. She would lay them on the floor to cover an area then sit right in the middle to play on her own quilt. She's been watching me piece and quilt since she was born. Leah just turned 5 on the 27th and loves to sew sitting on my lap.

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You are doing a great thing taking this little one and giving her at least a couple of days of routine and stability. All of you will gain from it.

I have three granddaughters. The oldest turned 3 the beginning of Sept. and lives in Illinois. (We get to see her about 4 times a year for at least two weeks at a time.) The other two live close by. The youngest was 1 in Oct. and the older one will be 3 this Weds.

I do a lot of baby sitting. This summer when the little one from Illinois was here, we had all the girls most days. I got out some old jewelry (necklaces, clip-on earrings, bracelets and rings). The older girls had a great time.

The older two enjoy doing puzzles, building with the large Lego/Lockblocks, coloring, playing Memory, baking, playing with dolls, and being read to. They also like to make noise with musical instruments, dancing and singing. We go for walks and take rides to see animals (cows, horses, sheep, goats,and maybe a deer or some wild turkeys). I save the fake credit cards we get in the mail and used gift cards. They like to play with them, sort them, and we count them. Doing fun activities that teach are good, too.


Thanks for the magic box idea. I'm going to make some. I think that the girls will like them.

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Heidi, your story has really touched me, for various personal reasons. Three years ago we sold a house we loved, moved from a neighborhood we loved, and moved to a town we did NOT love. Like you, we felt it was the right thing to do. We have been blessed beyond measure!

I bought a plaque I saw in a shop and hung it where I could see it every day, just to remind myself, when the going got tough, WHY we were doing this.

"A hundred years from now

it will not matter what my

bank account was, the

sort of house I lived in, or

the kind of car I drove,

but the world may be

different because I was

important in the life of


Bless you, as I know you and your hubby will bless her!

Darlene Epp

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Originally posted by Darlene Epp

Heidi, your story has really touched me, for various personal reasons. Three years ago we sold a house we loved, moved from a neighborhood we loved, and moved to a town we did NOT love. Like you, we felt it was the right thing to do. We have been blessed beyond measure!

I bought a plaque I saw in a shop and hung it where I could see it every day, just to remind myself, when the going got tough, WHY we were doing this.

"A hundred years from now

it will not matter what my

bank account was, the

sort of house I lived in, or

the kind of car I drove,

but the world may be

different because I was

important in the life of


Bless you, as I know you and your hubby will bless her!

Darlene Epp

Oh Darlene I love that saying! I am sad that we weren't around for my other nieces. Hubby was on active duty and their mother would not have let them come live with us. They are both teenagers now and one was a mom by the time she was 16! By the time we moved back up here they were out of control and there wasn't much we could do to stop the train wreck. This little one is from a different mother who I think wants to be a good mom but is just mixed up. If we can help we will! I am thrilled that her mom and dad agree that she can come spend the weekends with us and I've already started looking into options if she has to stay with us during the week too. I want her to have all those things in life that any child deserves, love, stability and security and more love!

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Oh my 3 yr GD moved to NC and I miss her so much. Enjoy!

I had her everyday from the day she was born.

I joined a Mommy and Me club so she could socialize with other kids.

Do a search on the web and find out where one is for you.

We did the park or beach everyday. I have a pool so we went swimming when we could.

We colored,I started her on the compter, PBS,NicKJr, Disney has free websites with educational games for the little ones.

I took her the library and we read books together. She loves her books.

I was teaching her ABC"S,numbers and colors just before she moved. I cut out pictures from magazines and she pasted them on paper. I would pick a "letter" and she had to find the picture that started with the letter. They can do it,kids are smart.

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