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My thread keeps shredding, I know it is not the needle and I have no burrs anywhere. I have been wanting to change the pigtails because they seems to be a bit rough, so I got new ones from my LA supplier. So this morning I want to change them. I remove the screw on the side of the machine, remove the old pigtail and want to hook the new one over the screw....well think again, some DoDo screezed the little "bend end" closed. So now I need to take my needle nosed pliers to open that end, but need to grab another pair of pliers to hold the other end. Of course I am not thinking, so I didn't put batting over the pigtail and now I have burrs in that one from where the pliers grabbed it.

So...if anyone of my US friends wants to buy me a couple of the fishing rod thingys with the ceramic inserts I would be forever grateful. I have looked around here and Saskatoon, and I guess in this area everyone throws their fishing rods away instead of repairing them, because I can't find any.

I have just about had it with these pigtails, they have never worked right from when I got the machine.

Thanks for letting me say my peace, I feel better now, too bad its too early for G&T.

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I have a set of diamond files purchased at Harbor Freight here in the States. They are tiny and one fits into the pigtail for a quick sanding of burrs. It helps keep me quilting until I replace them. A fine grit sandpaper will work--roll into a cylinder and sand away. Turning the pigtail over is a great tip from Gretchen--I have done that as well.

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