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OMGoodness, such great responses!! I love the microphone idea!! I don't think I could listen to an audio book and concentrate on the quilting. And Laura... I was listening to Watercolor smooth jazz when I read your reply!! Spooky! (That's me). I love most music except rap and that really really hard stuff. I am kinda partial to piano though. I wish I had some tapes of my Mother playing. That would be so cool!

On a completely unrelated note.. My ex-hubby took the Christmas video tape from 1989 and put it on DVD. I actually got him to make me one too. My Mom has been gone for almost 12 years and it was so good to see her on that tape, happy and healthy. I didn't realize how beautiful she was. I wish she was here to see my machine,( and my girls, and the granddaughters, my house, me.........) she would be so impressed. Thanks for letting me ramble.


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