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quilting ideas for a charity baby quilt

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Someone in my guild gave me a charity baby quilt to quilt and I don't really know what to do on it. the quilt consists of nine 12 1/2 inch squares separated by 2 " sashing. My problem is that each of the squares has an embroidered design centered in the square. I don't really want to spend too much time on the quilt since it's a charity piece but I was thinking of SID around the squares, echoing around the embroidery, and then meandering outside of the echo. Not sure how that will look and I'm not sure if the echo will leave too much unquilted area where the embroidery is. I guess another option would be to use invisible thread and just meander over the whole top? any suggestions are greatly appreciated. thanks

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I have done quite a few embroidered baby quilts for our church ladies. I do a design in the sashing. I would go with the idea that Sharon has too. I wouldn't quilt over the embroidery, and I would keep the quilting design looser so it doesn't get thread heavy and keeps the soft cuddle factor.

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