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Any tips for using the Sakura boards?


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Hey CJ - I find that when I use a template, I try to follow (or push) against 1 side to keep everything straight and even. exp: while going to the left, push the stylus against the left side of the template, going right, press towards the right. This keeps things smooth for me.

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CJ, so far I have found with anything by CL, just takes a time or two using it, then you are the expert! They are so easy to use, and so precise, once you get your path figured out, they are worth the little practice time it takes to nail it! Go slow to start. I find they look so easy, I want to rush through it. Go slowly untill it comes naturally.

Practice on a busy quilt or muslin...you'll work it out in no time. Be a little patient. You can do it!!


APQS Liberty



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Have you tried the tip I saw---or read someplace to put a rubber band on the stylus knob and down under the metal piece. I remembered that and it sure works out good---

It keeps the stylus point down in the template groove. Mind you I have only used my Circle Lord on one practice muslin sandwich and two actual projects---but, I thought this tip was very useful.

I don't have the Sakura template boards, but they are on my wish list!

Whoever mentioned it---Thank you! :):):)

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