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Best marking tool ???

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I use my SewLine pencil the most because those marks stay put for the most part (white seems to come off the easist) and you can iron on them without any problems with setting them. The only color I've had a hard time getting out is the green. I use pink and white the most and they come out very easily. I didn't know they had a water pen you could get. I'll have to look into that. I also like the Bohin chalk pencil or just plain school chalk work best and is really cheap when marking a quilt as I go. You can also mark targets before loading but anything that will be manipulated will rub off by the time you get to it. Just sharpen it with a pencil sharpener. I buy the school chalk when they have the beginning of school sales. If using a stencil I use Miracle chalk mostly.

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I use my SewLine pencil the most because those marks stay put for the most part (white seems to come off the easist) and you can iron on them without any problems with setting them. The only color I've had a hard time getting out is the green. I use pink and white the most and they come out very easily. I didn't know they had a water pen you could get. I'll have to look into that. I also like the Bohin chalk pencil or just plain school chalk work best and is really cheap when marking a quilt as I go. You can also mark targets before loading but anything that will be manipulated will rub off by the time you get to it. Just sharpen it with a pencil sharpener. I buy the school chalk when they have the beginning of school sales. If using a stencil I use Miracle chalk mostly.

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