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need advice


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I'm working on a king size quilt for myself and need to know if something will work. This quilt has mostly 12 inch squares and has sashing between and a border. I am stitching in the ditch around the border and the squares. All the squares are different (some even with embroidery).

Here's the question. Will it work if I do all the stich in the ditch part and then roll back to the beginning and use monopoly thread inside the squares? I am very inexperienced at anything custom. I hate the thought of changing thread on every row.



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Hi, Julie,

Yes, it will work but you need to be sure to stabilize the blocks, too. I use the flat flower head pins and pin parallel to the rollers about every 3-4 inches. Kim Brunner's DVD "Machine Quilting For Beginners" goes into stabilizing a quilt in detail. Good luck!


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Lisa, that sounds like a good idea. I've got lots of flower pins. That should prevent all the possible puckering I had pictured in my head. I'm just on the first row so by the end I'm hoping my SID improves. Lots of PPP! Thanks.

I'll try to post a picture when I'm done.


APQS Millenium

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One problem you might encounter is uneven "stretch" between the first part quilted and the second. I did this on a quilt and when I went back to do the sashings, the amount of lateral stretch was not the same both times. I ended up with some minor tucks that were not fixable without undoing enormous areas. It wasn't enough to cause serious concern, but it happened because I quilted that area at two different times and two different degrees of "stretch." So be aware!

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