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I think you look great...but it's not what you wanted to do. I copied the instructions for putting a picture inside your post. Can you tell I'm tired? Try this...I copied parts of it from an earlier post, but that's how I made my avatar work:

1. Go to WebShots (you can Google it to get the link and you need to have account so just sign up, it's free).

2. Upload a picture of yourself to "My Album". Right click on your photo, next screen will come up, look on the right side, there will be a photo of yourself, there are three commands...click on #2 "other sizes"... next screen will have different sizes, click on 100 pixels and it will generate a HTTP code. Highlight the "direct link to image" HTTP address and copy it.

3. Open APQS forum...go to control panel...go to edit profile...scroll down to Avatar URL...paste the HTTP address there. Make sure you hit the save edit button. Your photo should post as an Avatar.

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