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Just saying hello all!

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Here comes another newby! Me! I have a great love and admiration for quilting and may find myself in business before I know it. I've been monitoring the forums for some time getting information on what is the best machines out there and how they perform in the long run. I want to say that all the entries I have read here have been most informative and entertaining. The pictures are great and really get my creative juices flowing. I have made several quilts on my DSM and have quilted them by hand. However the materials I have turned too are too firm to quilt by hand and therefore I'm looking into a long arm machine that will handle the heft of 3 layers. I have machine stitched four quilts with this material and wore out the motor. With that in mind I will need a machine with a strong motor that will be able to sew through the thickness of these quilts. I realize most quilts are made with lightweight materials and cotton or poly batting but mine are not and have a special purpose. Recomendations on machines with strong motors would be most welcome.


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Hi BanAir! APQS has excellent machines for the job! Please feel free to email me or call me at 800-426-7233 ext.6 about our machines. I would love to talk to you!

Take care,

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Welcome BanAir!!

Mark's right: APQS machines are really great. I used a friend's Gammill a while ago, and it had a lot of vibration and seemed heavier, even though it was an 18 inch throat, and mine is a 26 inch throat. I know a lot of folks love them, but I really prefer mine.

Welcome to the forum, and hopefully, welcome to the APQS family!!


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Welcome Aboard BanAir!!

The other great thing about APQS (believe me there are lots more), the wonderful customer service. Calling Mark, putting your question on the board or just asking one of our great dealers. You always get an answer pretty fast and if not from them, you will get help from lots of other people who have had the same issue or just know the machines better than us newbies.

Good Luck


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Welcome...I previously owned a Gammill for 3 years. I have switched to APQS...just because most own gammill it doesn't mean it is the best machine. I got a lot of vibration from my gammill and it is alot HEAVIER of a machine. It would also fish tail. I had many problems stitching in the ditch and out linning applique. The gammill sometimes just went were it wanted to go...hmmm...I hate ripping.

I really do love the Millie...I also own a Liberty...can't wait until the compu-quilter comes.

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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That's true. Mark is really helpful and before we got off the phone, ninety minutes later, we were sending him a check. My DH is very technically oriented and he really liked the machine for many reasons Mark can ellaborate for you (the closed bushings that don't need oiling, the slotted band instead of gears, the quieter running sound, the ease of movement). DH did all the assembly for me. I'm test driving it tomorrow. Good luck with your decision.

Yesterday I conducted my own personal seminar day with a Karen McTavish book and DVD. Karen has an APQS and you can watch her use it in the DVD. It's quite inspiring. Sherry Rogers and (name removed), APQS reps are written up in the book and their work is seasoned and complex. I'm using a pencil to practice the techniques and shall try my hand at McTavishing soon.

If you watch the DVD by Sharon Schamber, you'll notice a big noise difference in her "other" brand of machine. Sharon's work is outstanding and she has won a lot of awards.

Good luck with your choice of machine. The APQS users chat room is very special. That's my main reason for buying this machine. Also, my mother liked it best too.


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