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How long is your electric power cord on your milli?

Maybe a stupid question, but I can't reach the end of the frame, I have a big quilt top on and can't get to the end of the sides!!! The cord is plugged in the middle of the back wall centered with the frame, is it the right cord??? :o:o:o

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I have mine attached to a heavy duty extension cord which is plugged into a power strip which is plugged into the wall. I loop the extra cord through the middle support bar that is under the plexiglass on my table which allows it to move all over my 14' frame without drag. I don't have anything else plugged into the power strip but just in case of a storm while I am quilting I think it will give me extra protection from lightening although I do unplug the machine when I do see it. Well that was a long answer but I hope it answered your question...

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