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need prayers

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Thanks all for your prayers. Had a scare yesterday when he coughed the vent tube out. Was with out o2 for 5 minutes but they got it right back in. They have been able to decrease his o2 level from 100% to 70% today. They are now keeping him more heavily sedated so his gag and cough reflexes don't push the vent out. Please keep praying for him and his family.

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Update- Matt is now on a heart/lung machine after the vent tore a hole in one of his lungs. The news sounds cautiously optimistic for the first time even though there is a long long road to go. His lungs can rest now and heal. Matt's parents are sending thanks to all who are praying for him and asking for continued prayers that he be healed. I thank you also for all your prayers and rosaries! I do believe we can pray him through this one prayer at a time.

God Bless


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am requesting your continued / renewed prayers for our friend, Matt. He is on day 22 in ICU with ARDS. He has been moved to a university hospital in Baltimore that has more experience with the heart/ lung machine. These prayers are working as many miracles have already happened. If you have an extra one or two, Matt sure could use them. His parents told him about all the people praying for him when they brought him out of the coma and he smiled! Thanks so much for your help and God Bless.


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