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IQ installation

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So now that I want to buy an IQ, there are no reps in Hawaii. I either have to install myself or WAIT until someone is taking a vacation to get my IQ installed. I looked at the instructions on installing myself and it doesn't seem as hard to do. Has anyone ever put one in themselves? Would you recommend I do this or wait until someone can come out to Hawaii? I am so anxious to get one. Should I do it myself?

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Guest Linda S

Shana installed her own. If I had to choose a rep (and I did), I'd choose Helen Baczynski. She may not be coming to Hawaii in the near future, but she is probably IQ's best instructor and is so knowledgeable that she could most likely help you over the phone. She and Tony came to my house to set up my IQ and in very short order, she'd explained most of the features to me. I had no difficulty clipping, flipping, lining, pathing, etc., after she left here. Plus, she's closer to your time zone. If I had a walk-in store, I'd love to be a rep for IQ and then I would fly right over to see you. I've never been to Hawaii before! ;)

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Absolutely install yourself! It just took a few hours. I just had to phone Zoltan one time about where to plug which wire as I didn't want to burn something out but even then he assured me that it wouldn't have mattered if I had plugged the wrong wire to the wrong motor as they were interchangeable. It only took about 5 hours with breaks to install and now that I know what I am doing it would be much faster! Suzanne Moreno was my dealer and she did lots and lots of on the phone training. She is very thorough and I do awesome stuff with my IQ as a result of her initial help. Since I am so far from dealers (at least 8 hours to even get from where I live in northern Saskatchewan to the US border) and even further from the shows and classes I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to gain the knowledge that I needed to really know how to use this awesome computer. The instructions that Zoltan supplies with the IQ for installation are awesome with detailed pictures so you just follow them. That's the easy part. What I think is way more important is the initial training and for that you need a great dealer who will be there for you. I belong to the Yahoo forum for IQ users and honestly, some of the questions that people ask on there should have been addressed by their dealers within the first hour of training so that tells me that there are dealers out there that just sell them the IQ and after that you are virtually on your own except for help from the online forum. How sad! If you want you can e-mail me for more info. Bottom line: don't hesitate. Order your IQ now, you will never never be sorry! The other day I told my husband that if I had to go back to doing customer quilts without IQ I would quit. I do at least 7-8 customer quilts both allover and custom a week and without IQ there was way too much time spent away from my family and I was wrecking my body, especially my hands even though I have an awesome APQS Millenium. I consider myself a great free hand quilter but IQ just makes my time so much efficient!

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