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Dawn Is The Best

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I have a huge quilt on the frame that is just a mass of stars and nine patches. I decided to do continuous curves (mistake, it will take me forever) and just could not get the path right, way too many stops and starts.

Was awake at 3am fretting over this quilt and decided this morning to solve my dilemma! I vaguely remembered something Dawn said in my Beginning Quilting class two years ago about a house and continuous curve. Well, I got out the class outline and my notes and the first sentence I read was, "finish one floor before going to another," and the light bulb went off!

After all that I went to town and got a massage! THANKS Dawn!

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Dawn says, "treat continuous curve as if it were a house, conquer each obstacle (stairs, ceilings, walls) as you go finishing one floor before going to the next. When you are trying to do continuous curve without stopping and starting I repeat this little ditty to myself and it keeps me on track.

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