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Art quilt - How to price?

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Originally posted by LadyLake

Your piece is lovely, Anne. Do you sell your work? I especially like how the orange spiral shape seems to be floating; it is there, but not there. And, I enjoy looking at shapes and objects unfamiliar to my environment. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks everyone for your kind words! I do intend to sell my art.

For me, the most fulfilling part of quilting is in the creative process, once it is done I don't have a strong attachment to the end product.

So, any ideas in how to price art pieces?

This project is mounted on an 18 x 24 inch frame.

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No idea on the price, I'd research a local art gallery, decide how much time you put into it and how much you would like to make per hour...

but....it is beautiful! I love how you used thread to shade and give dimension to the pillars, and the veins in the leaves are perfect! Beautiful!

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