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Does anyone have the IntelliQuilter computerized system?

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I'm interested in the Intellequilter - it is now available for APQS machines. Does anyone have one and what are your thoughts?

I have watched both the Compuquilter and Statler and never had the desire to own one. The idea of an on-board computer and the ease of switching between manual and computer is a plus.(Their motor control allows for easy switching between computerized and free-hand (manual) mode in just 3 seconds. I especially like the idea of using all the designs that I have in my head. The designing capacity and the ease by which you can take a design that I freehand tweak it, rotate and resize is just what I've been looking for in a computer driven model. I don't want to learn another program (AutoSketch or some other digitizing program). I am busy and don't want the down time and learning curve that I have read and heard about with the other systems. I want to be able to expand my business by adding custom designed end-to-ends and specially designed blocks for custom work - I think this system is just the "Bee Knees"



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You summed up quite nicely all the reasons that I'm interested in Intelliquilter. To paraphrase Jerry Macguire "they had me at linux" - I would do anything in my power to avoid yet another Windows system. A self-contained sandbox is a better solution in my opinion.

I'm taking 2 lectures at MQS on the Intelliquilter - I hope it lives up to my expectations.


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Tracey in Australia has the first IQ on a Mille and is the dealer there.

I'm looking at getting a used Mille and hopefully adding IQ. I saw it Road to Ca on Sonia's Nolting and really liked it.

I don't think there are any on Milles in the US yet. :)

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Hi Sue

I love my compuquilter and find it very user friendly. The manual is being updated all the time and is now very comprehensive and the software is also being updated and updates are always going to be free. I particularly love the new conversion programme that makes it far easier for novice digitisers to produce patterns that convert easily. CQ also has a training centre specially built to teach CQ owners how to use their systems and to digitise for CQ.

I prefer a system where the computer is not attached to the machine as, even in the smoothest machine systems there is vibration and this will harm the hard drive - computers are not designed for the type of movement you get with a quilting machine - so my teenage son tells me and who would know better;) I would hate to have to replace my computer before needs be. I think the computer on most systems is only guaranteed for a year.

I believe that currently Intelliquilter and Statler have one software function that is not yet available to CQ users but that will be very soon and we also have 3 features that are not available on any other system and have had them for over a year.

If I was in the market for a new system I would compare all computer set-ups that are available and talk to their designers to find out what is coming up soon before you make any decisions. Check whether they have an "Open" forum where users and wannabees can discuss their systems - imho, if they do not have an "open" system they are scared of negative feedback and how they will handle problems. I would also ask them how long they have been designing software for computerised machines (any type of machine). You need to know that the person who designed your system knows how to fix any conflicts and will supply you with a complete new system rather than a patch when problems are detected (and this comes from my husband who designs computer systems :)

Good luck with your research.

Sue in Australia

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