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The Beast is back!

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Hello to all,

I sent my Ultimate I to the factory right after Thanksgiving and got her back around Christmas. She hadn't had a spa treatment in over ten years. Since I decided to straighten my leaders and various other things, today was the first day I actually quilted on the Beast. I did a pantograph (Plumage by Jodi Beamish) I have done several times before so I could make a good comparison to the before and after. Wow what a difference. The beast is not so beastly any more ;) I got the M&M wheels ( I had edgeriders before) and I really like them. I don't know how to explain it but not only are they smooth but it almost feels as though the machine is isolated from the vibration? She had other problems which prevented me from working at slow motor speeds so my next goal is to do some quilting from the front....


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