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Odd thing with my Milli

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I was going to put this under the APQS Help but couldn't find the right area so I figured I would put this funny question out to all you quilters.

Has anyone had the probem where the needle after you have stopped quilting keeps going up and down? Sometimes it just does it once and sometimes it does it two or three times. It has just started doing it out of the blue!

I can't figure out why.


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This is an easy fix. You look in the manual for "needle positioner" and it will explain how to lift the hood and adjust the #8 screw. It's easy to find and easy to adjust. Believe them when they say to warm up the machine for 15 minutes--or else you might be adjusting again. Good luck!

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Lib...I don't think Canadian screws are different if not your #8 screw is located under the top hood. If you take out the 4 screws and loosen only the back two of the piece that on top just behind your top spool holder, you will find the GOLD colored screw there is also the number 8. That is your number #8 screw. If you want you can call me I will walk you through it.

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Bonnie, thank you. This is just the best site and everyone is always so helpful. I got an email from both Mark's and hopefully I can now fix the problem. I am just warming up my machine at the moment. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me.


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Hi Bonnie. The screw was located where you said it would be. I adjusted it but then found that my needle would sort of pulse in the down mode, so I turned it back a bit and I think my problem is solved. At least that one. Right now, for some unknown reason, my thread keeps breaking. Grrrr. As soon as I have that fixed I should be off to the races.

Thank you Bonnie for all your help. I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for you people and APQS support.


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