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Question on Space Needed for Machine

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I am new to this forum and have learned a lot from reading many of your posts. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and expertise on many subjects.

I am in the process of purchasing a Millenium and was wondering how much space I need in my studio for the machine and frame from the front to the back. I know it varies with all of you, but can you give me an idea of how much space I would need?

Thanks so much...Christa

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Originally posted by TN Quilter

I am new to this forum and have learned a lot from reading many of your posts. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and expertise on many subjects.

I am in the process of purchasing a Millenium and was wondering how much space I need in my studio for the machine and frame from the front to the back. I know it varies with all of you, but can you give me an idea of how much space I would need?

Thanks so much...Christa

Here is a past thread that talks about it. Also you can type footprint in the search and more come up.


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I usually quilt from the front of the machine, rather than doing pantos from the back. I placed my machine so that my back is to the wall and I am facing out into the room. I have about 26 inches between the wall and the first roller. The table is about 4 feet wide, and when the machine is back as far as it will go, it extends another foot or so. So..it takes up about 7 feet width-wise. I have a twelve foot table with power advance. I have the left end (the one without the power advance) nearly up against the wall. Its takes up about 13 feet of space that way. I have plenty of room to maneuver a saddle stool, etc. in the 26 inches of space, but if you are claustrophobic, that might not work for you.

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That pretty much describes my set-up, too, except that I am in my sunroom. I have one foot of space to get around from the from the front of the table to the back. I don't do pantos but need to get back there to load quilts and to access thread storage space. If I gain any weight I will be in BIG trouble!!! lol I quilt from the front so am looking outside if I look up....lol

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