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hi Cheryl,

You can use bed sheets for quilt backing, so long as you are aware of the potential pitfalls and are prepared for them. First, the high thread count can affect your tension by creating a bit more flatlining on the back since the thread can't nestle in as well.

Second, if the thread count of the sheet is 200 threads or greater, some of the needle holes may not recover as well as you would like if you have to unsew. That is because the larger needle can sometimes sheer the fabric rather than split the fabric fibers, leaving a hole that will not close up. One can use a smaller needle, but you havevto also consider the thread size you are using, in combination with how fast you like to move so you don't get lots of railroad tracks on the back.

Also, a sheet will shrink differently than traditional cotton fabric, and may not be as soft or supple as you like with heavy quilting. It isn't that you can't use the sheets, you just want to choose wisely and be aware of the results you may get, given the sheet's variables. :)

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