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Help me decide which one

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Its not often to find a millie for sale locally but I have been blessed to find two.I spent the day yesterday traveling to test run both. Whats the better choice ,they are both 2003 models but one is a Green Milli which has recently been serviced ,it was a Ultima that was rebuilt in 2005 and serviced 2010 then only used for less than 50 quilts ,the differance to me are the wheels updated but I do not know what they are maybe you can help me ,hopefully my pics will attach for me . Oh the green one also has the tubular updated frame .The red milli has never been serviced ,the wheels are the original and one major differance I noticed between the two machines is when I went to play with the pantos I really felt like the red was working against me compared to the green to a point also that the owner never used the pantos for that reason I guess thinking it was normal ,I myself thought it was normal until I test drove the Green one ,oh what a huge differance . Which one would be a better resale value if I deside to sell ?

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If I go with the Red millie ,how much and how would I go about getting it serviced ,I live in NE ,PA ,thanks Another question the beeping on the light on the front of the machine ,what does it mean ,it beeped the entire time on the green millie ,she said that means its in the sr mode but on the red millie was opposite ,any help greatly appreciated as I am new to all this ,thanks ,Queenie

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the blinking & beeping indicates that the stitch regulator is on.

i'd guess the red millie needs new wheels. that is why it felt like it was fighting you. or the table might not be level. or both. i just got the m&m wheels on my machine and i love them. if you really want to treat yourself, you could add the bliss system.

i think you send the head back to the factory to have it serviced. whatever machine you get, ask for the original box and packaging for the head. this way you can send it back safely if you ever need to.

if you go to the apqs homepage - you can find the nearest dealer to you.

i use gretchen & david adams in afton, ny. installed my new wheels perfectly. they also assembled my machine when i first got it and i have never had a lick of trouble. (knocking on wood)

good luck deciding!

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It sounds like you have two great opportunities! Just to give you an idea of what it would cost to send a machine in for repair, we advise customers to plan on investing about $100 toward upkeep and maintenance for every birthday a machine has. If the 2003 has never been factory serviced a ballpark estimate for updates and repair would be $900. But that is assuming it had consistent use during that time. A machine with more use as a hobby machine could have much less wear and tear than that estimate.

As for the table style, both are sturdy. The round leg table would be easier to set up, however, and could be upgraded to overhead lighting if that was something that you needed. A Green machine has new wiring but does use the shell of an older machine. The movement issue you felt could certainly be affected by the new wheels but can also be affected by poor table set up. Let us know if you have more questions!

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