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Stabilizing a quilt

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Start at the top and go down. I have never started at the center when machine quilting. I stitch across the top and down each side about 15 inches. Then I stabilize within that area with stitching or with pins before advancing the quilt again.

If you don't already have a dvd about this, I recommend you get one or two. I got Myrna Ficken's dvds when I ordered my machine and they were hugely helpful. It really helps to see clear directions.

After a while you will probably find that you stabilize each quilt differently depending on the design of the quilt top. I have found that there is no hard and fast rule. However, I never start in the middle.


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I work much like Jess does. I usually try to stabilize the block and then going into the middle and work. If I have really dense fill I will do all the block work across the quilt and then do the dense fill, then roll and start again. If I decide to go back later and do the dense fill I always make sure I pin the snot out it or I will get puckers.

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I am not sure I am doing it "right" but I baste across the top and down the sides as far as the machine can go. For custom I begin inside the quilt with the first block and work across, doing the blocks. Then do the sashing if there is any and then do the borders. If it has no sashing and if I am not treating the borders differently then I jsut begin at the left side and work as much area as I can as I go across the quilt. This seems to work for me.

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