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I don't like green eggs and SPAM

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Sorry for all the posts by me in the last few minutes. Just trying to push the spam to page 2. My inbox of my email account look just as bad these days after resigning on an old candlemaking list recently. I wish spammers would find a LIFE.

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I agree!!!! That's why I suggested we, us, quilters, post a face with the thread we start, then we know if no face it is a spam! I have noticed more people are putting their face "ON"! Then we can ignore those threads that we see with a strange ID and only one reply.

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The way the spammers make money by muscling onto a forum-- they are paid per view of the site they have linked to. Don't don't don't ever click on a link--it puts money in their pockets and encourages more spam.

These creeps on our forum are almost exclusively foreign (taking the time to actually read the poorly-translated and non-sensical post is sometimes hilarious!). If they are working for someone else they are paid by the post/link. That's why you will see lots of posts in a row by the same registrant. They are sitting at their computer overseas mining the internet for forums that are easy to register on--they hate the ones that require a human to approve before something is posted. You will see new registrants who don't post, only list their link in their profile. They get paid for those as well. And the ones we hate, that link to things they think we might be interested in--but are not.

It doesn't discourage them when we push their posts down. They are long gone--probably never to return except to re-register and post another link. They hit and run and don't give a crap when we get mad or when they are deleted. They've done their job and got their compensation.

Anyone who investigates the member's list profiles can easily pick out the bad guys. They may register under many many different user names but all have the same link in their profiles.

I am excited that the APQS family has decided to tighten up the forum. It should be great!!

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