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Guest Linda S

This is sort of a weird area, Queenie - I have a Samsung Galaxy 2 tablet and I can take pictures with the tablet and then I have a little program on it called Skitch that allows me to draw on the photo. The stylus and drawing on these types of tablet are not the best, however. I think you'd be better off with a Wacom Bamboo or other tablet and regular pen stylus, and load the pics into your computer to draw with. I have an old Wacom where you can actually print a photo, put it under the plastic top and then draw on the tablet. I works better than my little portable tablet. When I really want to know the best of something in computing, I do some exploration at cnet.com They have reviews and demos of a lot of things -- it can help you make up your mind what to buy.

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Hi Queenie,

I too asked this question not so long ago as I wanted something that I could snap a pic of and instantly draw quilting ideas on it and then print out my quilting plan to use so I wouldn't forget what I did in the top borders/corners by the time I got to the bottom.

I ended up taking advantage of a sale on an i-pad and downloaded a free program called photo pen that allows me to do just this. The only thing I can't do is print from it so I email the pic to myself on my laptop and print it from there.

I am happy with it and use it for other things too..

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Thanks Queenie for posting this topic. I have wanted a program to overdraw on my photos for some time but couldn't find something that made sense to me. (not very computer savvy either:))

So it's thanks to this post, I am now drawing to my hearts content on my photos on my iPad!! And what's more, it's easy.

Thank you also Vicki.

Just love this forum!:D

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