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NQR MIL humor for the day

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It has been so interesting to read through this forum. I have an older sister who behaves in that very same selfish me, me, me way. Her husband bears the brunt of her selfishness but her children and my other sisters have experienced her bitter childishness. You are so right about not "getting" it. One of her sons confronted her one day about her attitude and it made Zero impact on her behavior. She thinks she is perfect and everyone else is wrong. I fully understand your frustration. Just knowing she is coming to visit makes the tension level skyrocket because we know there will be some kind of unpleasant encounter. Pouting is a big manipulation ploy with her. Keep sharing with us here. My sister Kathie and I have learned to crab to each other about her behavior and always end up laughing at the total craziness of the whole thing. Laughing instead of anger makes us stronger to deal with this type of personality. Bless you!

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