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Dissolving Vanish Thread

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Does Vanish Thread need to be soaked? Does anyone know if It can be dissolved fully with spritzing, or do I need to really soak it? I really don't want to wash and block this quilt for many reasons. It is large and it has colored felt that I am not positive won't bleed with an overall soak. I have been spritzing it with warm water but I can't really tell if it is dissolving. Then again, does it matter? Thanks for any help.


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Peggy, I use the Vanish Lite in my DSM in the bobbin. All I have to do is lightly spritz the side with Vanish and pull the regular thread tail and all the stitches pop, pop, pop right out easily. I'm not sure how the Vanish Extra works though. I imagine it is a little bit thicker than the Vanish Lite.

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LOL Heidi. I was afraid you were going to say that. This is going to be a task. Then lay it out and block it?

Yes. It really isn't that bad. I usually soak it in the tub, let it drain after about 30 min. or so. Once most of the water has drained out I load it into the washer just to spin it dry. Then lay it out on the floor, either pin it to the carpet or use a piece of builder insulation to pin it to. If you use the insulation make sure it is covered to protect the color or lettering transferring on to your quilt.

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