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I'm gone

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It is obvious Rita is still using the forum, and it looks to me like the initial complaint brought a whole lot of attention. Rita, your response to JunBug's straight forward summation of this topic, from her perspective, was quite unnecessary and unproductive. Her point was proven in a very brief response. Let it go, please? Can this topic be deleted? If I was new to the forum and read this topic I wouldn't want to start posting anything for fear of how it will be taken.

ETA: guess I got bammed as now my post stands with its referencing post edited/deleted. Go figure. I will not delete my post out and leave others hanging like two that I've now seen do. I wrote this post in response to a forum members not so nice post to the originator of this topic. My response here was my take on what maybe could be done to please stop the meanness, maybe my wordage wasn't the greatest, but at least I know I meant well in my heart.

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Yes. go ahead and delete!!   I agree, it is disturbing to those who Choose to read it.  It IS sad.


I've been told by more than several  people that they are reluctant to post as they are Afraid of the

ridicule they would get,  or the scathing remarks by some. They did say not all but several did act

so rudely.


I have only returned when I was told of another post sometime later.  None were so rude as to

say who said what or why or when, just that there was a new post. So, I at least know who are

friends,  friendly people and those who are not. 


You discuss your  threads and keep them going unending until it dies.  Maybe others find it offensive

and just by-pass them or don't comment.


Give the other folks and the Newbies the same chance.


Let their threads go on until it ends, as yours have been permitted...


So yes Dawn, go ahead and delete, it would make your job a lot easier I think, and make several folks happy. 


End of Topic.

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You have soooooo touched a nerve! I for one understood what you were trying to say-you made your point WITHOUT belittling or insulting anyone.  Yes ladies, some of us DO INDEED wear our feelings on our shirt sleeves and yes there are bigger problems out there....but this is suppose to be a place we can all talk about things and how we feel!!!  without being told to "grow up" in the same sentence that contains a lame so called apology-


"I am offended and what I am about to say may offend some of you, so you may not want to read it. For those that do - my appologies if I step on anyones toes - grow up!"


Yeah-there is a sincere compasionate person for you!! 


Instead of bending and deleteing this topic-why dont those who do not wish to read it simply SKIP over it!  If it gets deleted then this site will be sensored by those who put up the biggest "Stink"!!!!

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Once again I'm asked by several  IMs to come in and try to make

a few comments.


For all you positive folks who think I am generous with my info, and

would like me to stay, Thank You so very Much.  You are special to me.


(Caps are for emphasis only,  NOT yelling) 



AS ANYTHING BUT A CASUAL CHAT.  No anger, no whining, no redicule,

no pity party, no self seeking,  just a chat.


I'm humiliated that anyone would think it was anything else having been a

member as long as I have been on this forum.   The opinion of me,

well.. not good is it? 


I'm not going to embarass anyone by belittling their posts, as mine have been


I don't like to hurt people or judge them.  The Lord blesses me with compassion,

caring, praying and letting people know I care or can help, or just send a hug.


I won't call others names.  I won't blurt out my likes or dislikes.


I think this topic continues because maybe it IS something we

members need to think about.


When I hear negative comments about me, I give them a lot of thought

then decide if it was viscious or true.  When true, I work darned hard

to change that so I am a better person for others to know.


I feel so badly that the newbies and some more long term members

have to see such negativism here..


So yes, I will say thank you to all who have continued this thread.


Thank you Sew Happy and Zeke for your explainations, and caring.

You two are very lovely in your personalities.. and I'm pleased to know you.  


Oh, by the way, I do come back and look up a thread or topic, to see if

I did get a reply to MY Question.. is that not what I should do, so I can

thank them for a reply, or answer a question they ask and especially to



I do feel some of the posts made in this topic were less than caring.


Now,  if you don't want to read a long thread, don't read it.  If you object,

object in your mind.. if you want the topic stopped or deleted, maybe you

should approach Dawn in a personal email, or IM or report me.


Thanks for listening..


God Bless you ALL


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Hello Everyone,


As with all large families, especially in a community where the only means of communication is the written word, there is going to be occasional conflict. It's unavoidable. Even with emoticons, italics, and quotations we cannot always convey our true meaning, nor can we always correctly interpret what was said (or not said).


I have been asked in several of the posts in this thread to delete it. APQS chooses to keep this a public forum, open to everyone--differing opinions and all. Along with that goal to be completely accessible and "transparent" comes the risk that disagreements may arise among members which will stir up the community at large. We will not censor or delete posts simply because members do not see eye to eye on any given subject--that's a natural part of life. We believe in free speech and each person's entitlement to express themselves on our forum--even if it means it may ruffle some feathers. (However, if posts become derogatory, inflammatory, wilfully hurtful or threatening, we will deal with each member on an individual basis and take appropriate action if necessary.)


We want this to be a safe haven for ALL quilters to share. Share quilts. Share recipes. Share thoughts. Share troubles. Share prayers. Share lives. After all, that's what "family" is all about.


However, we encourage you to add the initials "NQR" in front of any topic you wish to start that is not directly related to quilting. "NQR" is an abbreviation for "not quilting related". This is part of normal "social media" etiquette. It allows members who are looking only for inspiration or help with their quilting to skip over topics that do not apply. 


You'll also notice that several "sub forums" exist on our main Forum, along with the sub forum "Gone Quilting--Chat about Anything!" (in which this thread lives). As a community, we have strayed from trying to post our topics in the appropriate sub forum. I encourage you to take a second look at the sub forum headings when you decide to post a topic, and then add your post to that string. This will also help readers quickly find subjects or help they need.


For example, if you have a machine question, post it under the Sub Forum--Troubleshooting and Tips--APQS Help. Or if you're asking for quilting suggestions, use the subforum "Ask the Expert--how should I quilt this?" (remember, the "experts" are ALL of you who share suggestions.) It's like creating a gigantic organizational folder for all of our hints, and it will make it much easier for you to find information if it's stored in the correct category.


I have the ability as administrator to move topics to the appropriate sub forums and have occasionally shuffled things around when I have the time, but it will also help if we try to post new things in the correct one as a community at large going forward.


Members can still see what's posted each day by clicking on the "New Since Last Visit" tab. Or they can go to a specific sub forum section and see what's new within the topic of "APQS help" for example. You have multiple ways to find what you're looking for (or to simply skip over topics that don't interest you.)


As always, we encourage you to use the same etiquette on the forum that you would if you were standing in front of a person talking to him or her.


If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to me at dawn@apqs.com.

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It may seem like I wanted censorship when I mentioned stopping this topic; fortunately, you have misunderstood. I asked that simple question after feeling anxiety at the direction and tone this topic had taken, not in retaliation of any sort. Many were put in to the position of wondering what or if they had done something wrong and also have been trying to understand the use of the wordage 'same old, same old CRUD' in reference to fellow users topics and/or posts. That is why I would follow up on new posts. If it has been me who has rubbed others the wrong way for my crud I apologize (and I hope it is taken at face value). I won't do it again.

And, after having put myself out on a limb I now see the original post I replied to has been fully edited and I hang for trying to stop that kind of post which caused this last hubbub. Gheesh, when will I learn!

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Hi Dawn,


   I apologize and know I'm guilty, for not using the NQR and for

posting in the wrong place.


   Please forgive?  I will be better at it from now on.  I'm sure I've read the

posting rules, or hint's, tips, etc. 


   I will use a post-it to remind me, and let it sink in.  I don't think that will hurt me.. ;)


   Any way, THANKS a lot!!!  

Your reply and statement are appreciated so Very Much.


   Sorry it took so much of your time typingand not doing other things, you need or

want to get done. 
Thank you again!



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