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Fantastic Thursday 5/2/2013

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Finally figured it out. Finished this last night and it's in the 5th wheel now. This was a Lewis and Clark Shop and hop from last fall. I used the Double Dutch Panto. It was a really fun quilt to make and I love the colors. Ready to go camping. Now just waiting for 4:00.


Hope everyone has a great weekend and that spring comes soon for those of you still fighting snow.



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Love what everyone has been working on. 


Monika, that log cabin is beautiful - I look forward to seeing how you quilt it.


I didn't get to quilt at all yesterday but spent most of the day unpacking and sorting through boxes in the room my daughter used for the 6 weeks we were in this new house before she left for Portland, ORI got so involved in sorting out that room and turning it into the guest bedroom that I even forgot it was Guild night! :(


I was able to return the first 3 of the silk/linen quilts and while she thinks I'm expensive she was thrilled with the quilting (which I think is 'Blah') and paid up with instructions to go ahead with the next 3. She also said she is working on 6 more which she will want me to do too!


I'll try and attach photos of the 3 quilts I just returned.  #s 1 and 3 are all silk and # 2 is linen and hemp which an artist friend of hers painted.







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Well my Thursday was not so terrific but I'm pushing myself to get back to the BAQ I'm working on.  I had to frog and I hate frogging!  I didn't go back to it because my mind was not in the right place.  Here is to hoping I can get some time in on it today.  I have a few area's to repair because the customer's piecing pulled out from me tugging on it to frog.  Oh well that is way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

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Wow everyone has posted some wonderful eye candy.


Monika I love all the tops you are putting together, Freddie is certainly going to be busy when he arrives.


Dell, I love what you are doing that quilt. It is gorgeous!


Carol, what a unique treatment for the GFG and it is really pretty.


Bonnie, you are a good student. The quilt looks yummy.


Charlotte, anxiously awaiting a picture of the finished project.


Sorry for those of you with snow and rain and fires.  We are having a gorgeous spring in Oregon but a tad bit hot for this time of year.

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I am a bit slow in posting Thursday's activity.  I have been quilting the guild's gift to last year's president.  Each member who wishes to participate can make a block of the president's choosing, a top is assembled and presented at the end of the year.  I am almost finished with the quilting, with a bit of fill left to do.  Thursday I started on the border, an 8-1/2" wide cut of fabric.  I followed the arcs in the print to some degree using the Circle Lord and the squircle.  It was easy to do and I used the point in the fabric design as the centering spot to make the circles.  I will echo the design in the fabric near the inside border to help nail it down and I hope that I can get it off of the table today!


I love looking at everyone's pictures and reading about the projects.  It is a great way to stay connected and keep ideas and communication flowing.


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I had to get a new camera and I took some great pictures of my Thursday project.  My new camera is not compatible with my old computer.  Everyone's projects are great to see.  I like this thread because it keeps me moving to have something done each week.  Thanks for starting it Dell.  Also Ohio has beautiful weather today. 

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Okay I am using a new to me laptop  so my pictures live.  the first one is one for me.  My church quilt group made each other a block for a quilt that we had to finish by our next birthday.  I chose the tree block and the colors.  I made all of the star blocks.  My birthday is May 22.  I have to present to the group close to my BD.  Hence the rush to get it done.  the other quilts are ones that had to be done by Thursday also.  Thanks for looking.






DSCF0036 by bjcoburn, on Flickr
DSCF0070 by bjcoburn, on Flickr






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