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Hello everyone. Missed you. The move went well, the heat is incredible though. Definitely need AC soon.

We set up my new baby today, she is beautiful and the hydraulic lift is AWESOME. Everything went pretty smooth. APQS made some real nice changes to the new models, real uncomplicated to assemble and instructions are simple.

So, after everything was assembled I moved the machine and she keeps jumping off the bliss rails. Must have a faulty carriage...again. Will call APQS tomorrow and hopefully get this problem fixed real soon. What a disappointment.

Here is a picture of my set up. The studio is still a mess, will get to setting everything up in a few days. Getting the house in order and liveable was a priority. Paint and a hardwood floor will come soon.


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Glad much of the move and unpacking are going great.  Would love, I know I'm nuts, a pict of the window with the half length lace panel???  I'm trying to find an idea for one room.  No hurry, of course!


As many moves as we've made, I've found it easiest to unpack and settle in first. Then I don't feel guilty when I have fun with other things.


Glad you are back.



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It turns out that my Freddie is in a one condition...I was just trying to manhandle her. I sincerely hope that is it, I have not used her from the panto side.

Here is a picture for you Rita. The windows are quite big, we put light mini blinds in each and the lace curtain was in the house. A good wash cycle and I decided o put it back up.post-3772-0-79787500-1372734840_thumb.jpgpost-3772-0-79787500-1372734840_thumb.jpg

Dennis talked to Mark today and he was his usual friendly self explaining and answering some questions we had. I played a bit today with the machine, not much time yet have to get some more house in order. The previous owner wasn't a Susie home maker, especially in the cleaning department but that's how it goes, right?

Well, gotta order curtains and blinds, best get moving.

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