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Haha! To each his/her own, I guess. Some hate that I'm so picky, while others appreciate it. I was only trying to make a joke, but hope I didn't offend you, Chuck. :)

Nineva, it must have been you! I couldn't remember which one asked to let her know if I went over to see Beth. So now you know, and you're welcome, but I guess you're in Idaho with the wonderful snow we only get once a year here if that, so maybe next time. Unless you're home by tomorrow, in which case I say Hey ya'll (that's the Georgia peach coming out), come on over!

Now if you can untangle that sentence and diagram it you'll deserve an award. :mad: LOL!

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I was going to suggest "In The Beginning" in Seattle, where I took my first quilting class, and once locked my keys and baby girl in the car and had to wait for hubby to ride his bike (in the pouring rain) to unlock it. He was not happy with me. We didn't have AAA then. Do now! Baby cried so hard, Mommy too. The girls in the shop were too busy and thought I was nuts to lock my baby in the car. Well, I must have been quilt blinded or something. LOL!

Oh, but I forgot to say, my LQS people informed me last week that ITB is no longer open for business up on Lake City Way. I loved that store! it was one of the only bright spots in my life when I was a new mother. Well, I haven't been there in so long..... anyway, they are online now, so type in the name and you'll see amazing fabrics. Good luck!

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Hi all - sounds like this might be something we could incorporate in our group - publish a list of shops, and between meetings, try and go to one that we pick off of the list and then we can compair notes at the next meeting. Most shops are closed on Sunday, so we could do this on our own time. Just a suggestion.

Hey Beth - I've sent you an U2U.

By the way, we have found a home with room for my GiGi. We are going to be making an offer this afternoon. I'll keep you posted on a yea or a nea on the deal.

On to my quilting (trying to get all projects completed before I really start serious packing!!).

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Hey guys, did we ever pick out a name or did we just give up? I saw Patty's post about the quiltshop in L.O. I really like the name for our group as: The Common Thread, PNW LongArmQuilters. Ok, it is just an idea after all. I also like the one suggested by Chukster(?) A Thread Runs Through It, an LAQ group. Now Patty, you know you are going to be one eventually and anyone that is in the process of becoming an LAQ , or not, should be welcome. I like that I belong to a great group of friends that have a common interest. It is just a good feeling.

I am stuck in Idaho packing up a house that I have lived in for 15 years, with SNOW falling in a blizzard. 4 inches since I woke up at 6:00 a.m. Sheesh. How fun is this. I miss my machine!

And PattyJo did you get your house????


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Hi Nancy,

Yup, you're right, I will be one eventually, and this IS a LA website where we all get together, so an LAQ group it is. I like your suggestions, but will A Common Thread mind, I wonder? Kind of like stealing their name?

We had snow yesterday morning and this morning, but none sticking. Usually I say, "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!" but I think we're all past that now. We want Spring! I've heard the birds, and it's going to be time soon, so quit it with this wicked weather already, alright?! LOL!

Put on some nice music while you pack. Soothes the savage beast. Or breast. Or whatever the saying is. Try some Debussy. I've got it playing while I quilt. One of the reasons I love quilting so much is that while I sew I listen to classical music, and it seems to bring a lot of peace into my hectic world. Very therapeutic. Added to the wonderful feeling of creating something beautiful that's all my own, from my own imagination or just the colors chosen by me, and that's heaven on earth, I think. Put on some music and maybe a tea kettle too, have some hot chocolate with marshmellows and think of what you're going to do when you're through with that chore.

Here's wishing you joy in your new place.

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