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Over did it??

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Yesterday I made Peanut Brittle, Fresh Strawberry Cakes with of course homemade icing ( Nothing in a jar Please!) A beautiful steak dinner for the family and because of my wrist I made the refreshments for my mini group. It is my turn and I made chocolate raspberry purses with a fresh raspberry glaze and gonoch over the top, garnised with fresh whipping cream and sprinkled with chocolate shavings (Hungry yet??)

oh... & I made Chocolate Raspberry coffee. Any way my guests this A.M. really seemed to enjoy it! My problem?? Well my wrist is screaming at me so I decided while I was cleaning up after everyone left that I deserved another serving . LOL Now I am suffering from sugar crash!! Oh the things we make ourselves endure HA HA - Did I learn a lesson? YES! Would I do it again? Probably!

When you come to my house, I will serve you Chocolate!!! chocolate.

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Are you Martha? I didn't know that Martha Stewart lived in Montana, but maybe she has one of those ranches in the Rockies and lives right next to a movie star, Ted Turner or someone like that.

Anyway, I love chocolate and all those things you mentioned are making me hungry. I'd love to visit your house for some chocolate. Quilting+Chocolate=Happy Happy Happy

PS: You were very, very sweet to indulge your loved ones with such a nice, thoughtful meal. Your wrist might be aching, but I'll bet your heart is singing. Your family is lucky to have you.

Enjoy a nice day.

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I think that I hear the Food Network calling you! With a menu like that, you could do your own show. And besides all that - when is the next group meeting so that we can all come::D. I'll be glad to make the coffee!!

And yes, your friends & family is indeed fortunate to have you loving them with your culinary treats.

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You are all welcome here any time- We have a couple of large shows in the summer so if you plan on coming let me know & YES I will serve you chocolate and lots of it!! They tease me in my mini group that they must stop eating a week before it's my turn to host!! Don't you love your mini groups??? I know I do - they are always there for you when you need to vent or whatever- always a kind word about your current project even if it is not their taste, and through it all never passing judgement on any one!!

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