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Robo Quilter


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Does anyone know if Robo Quilter is part of the Statler Stitcher group?? Also I have been trying to contact the people that sell the Robo Quilter for over a week now and no one has ever got back with me on purchasing one. Are they not selling them anymore, or just have to many people wanting them for them to call me back??

So anxious in getting one for my machine with my bad back and foot will be a wonderful thing to have a little help with my standing.

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I would just suggest that you seriously look at the fact that the IntelliQuilter screen attaches to the head of a quilting machine, so it will have to take ongoing vibration every day, for years, for the life of the system. I know they say they have addressed that, but I'm certain there are other qualified professionals who would say it's not a good idea. I've had CompuQuilter for 2 years and it's awesome. Upgrades that include new enhancements are free (IQ charges for new updates/"modules"), and CQ's features are incredible. Why not check out CompuQuilter with your local dealer and see a real comparison. I'm not a dealer for a quilting machine or CQ . . . I use CQ every day in my business and have done so for years so I'm saying this as a very satisfied customer ! With CQ you have outstanding creative features, which they continue to develop and unlimited possibilities, especially if you learn digitizing procedures. Really take a look at what you can do with CQ and best wishes to you. :)

- Suzanne Moreno :cool:

Digitizing for CompuQuilter Instructor


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Thanks for all the input. But seems the Itellistitch offers a finace which i was looking at mostly. I do know that Compuquilter doesn't offer this at such a low rate if any at all. No, I cannot go to the bank or use a credit card to purchase it if I wanted. This was the main reason, along with not having the wire that goes around the whole table, and having all the bulk of another computer in my studio...I have one in there for personal use already and seems I'm like most quilters...am cramped for space.

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Thanks guys for all your answers to my questions. You really helped me decided what to do...So now I will be like a kid at Xmas time awaiting my new Compuquilter to arrive... Got my loan approved yesterday. So now all I have to do is wait to hear from Ark on when they can install it for me. You are all so GREAT!!!! :) I do know that I made the right decission and will have tons of help here if I have any problems with it. Thanks again 10 times over for all the help.

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I am starting to research computerized systems. Does anyone have the Intelliquilter on their Millennium? If so, do you like it? Is it user friendly? If you decided on the Intelliquilter over the Compuquilter, why?

Compuquilter owners, what helped you decide? How long did it take you to learn the system?

Thanks for any help on this! I hope to check out demos at MQX, but I would like to be prepared to ask the right questions.

Cathy Kirk

Quilting Cowgirl

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Hi Cathy/Quilting Cowgirl,

Honestly the very best person for you to talk to is Stan Townzen, the Design Engineer who created CompuQuilter. His work for over 25 years was to write computer programs that automated machines. He designed and wrote the program for CQ. Stan and his wife Dee Dee are very good honest people and they are also friends with Zoltan, the creator of IntelliQuilter. Stan will be able to tell you step by step the differences in his sytem and IQ. There are big differences in some of the major aspects of each system. Be aware of the fact that IQ is counting on being able to have their screen ride on the head of your quilting machine and sustain ongoing vibration. I'm leary of that as well as their motor system and some digitized file conversion issues I'm hearing about through the grapevine. For months I've heard about various problems with IQ and so far I still have not heard that they have started to mass deliver and install units. You can trust that Stan will give you truthful, accurate information. Call him at the new CompuQuilter headquarters at 479.636.0444. I am not a CQ or quilting machine dealer. I purchased my CompuQuilter and quilting machine over 2 years ago and I am a very happy CQ customer. Stan's knowledge and experience in the field of machine automation, their customer service, and willingness to continue to make advances in CQ's features is terrific ! Our upgrades are free - IQ's are not. Best Wishes to you.

- Suzanne Moreno

Digitizing for CompuQuilter Instructor



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The CQ touch screen is mounted on an overhead tracking system. We have added lights to ours.

As a former electronics technician I would stay away from a system that mounts screen or computer on the sewing head. Even with a low vibration system such as the APQS machines the electronics is not designed to be constantly vibrated. I would expect early component or system failure. Stan has been in this business many years and understands the mechanical issues involved. This system has been in use for over 2 years (60 hour weeks) without these issues. The CompuQuilter uses a very robust mechanical and electrical design.

You don't have to buy upgraded software (provided by CompuQuilter).

Look at ease of use, setting up your pattern, sizing and other quilter ease of use issues.

As a CQ dealer and owner we are biased. The reason we represent CQ we feel it is the best on the market.


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I have to agree that the machine mounted computer screens are very suspect to vibration issues.... along with the design of the mechanical guidance systems. When you buy the CQ on an APQS machine, you literally have the best of both worlds. You still retain the APQS stitch regulator (which is, by far, the finest!) and the unadulterated APQS ease of movement for freehand work. The CQ does not have to gut your exisitng machine or "cyborg" it with any competing electronics, timing belts, or etc . Each system is stand-alone and together, they simply ROCK!!

I have been with CompuQuilter from the beginning and can assure you that CQ systems are extremely reliable--- I would not be a technical resource/customer service tech for any system that did not have an EXCELLENT record for mechanical endurance... because I, personally, do NOT want to deal with irrate owners on a daily basis!!! -LOL!!-:P I can tell you that APQS takes very good care of all APQS w/CQ owners... because it is my phone that would be ringing off the hook!!:P;)

The CompuQuilter is a wonderfully creative and absolutely amazing automated quilting system that is built to maintain it's mechanical integrity for years and years... Plus, all the software upgrades are ALWAYS free!! Ask any current CQ owner how wonderful it feels to receive all program improvements and new additional features for FREE!!! That is simply the best customer bonus available!!:P:);)

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