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A Huge Sucess!!!

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Well the Sewing room tour is over and it was a HUGE sucess!! Boy what a way to rake in the business if you wanted!! So many people could not believe that I do NOT take in other people's quilts - that my long arm is just for me!!

It was such fun yesterday - Those of us who opened our sewing rooms up for the tour got to take a "dry run" & see what we would miss today. We had a great time even tho it really began to snow and the roads were a little "iffy" today was sunny and just beautiful. We were so lucky.

We served lunch to the 3rd tour group & even tho the guild provided everything even the cookes for desert I still had to make a little something extra-Paula Dean's "Not Yo Momma's Banna Pudding" (made with cream cheese, heavy cream,sweetened condensed milk & Chessman cookies and of corse bananas) I felt that some chocolate was called for so I served it on a thin layer then drizzled on top the milk chocolate ganache I made again last nite. One woman was upset that she could not have any as she cannot eat any dairy. A few minutes after I served the others she whispered to me that she has some pills in the car so she could have a small amount. She said that it was so worth any later discomfort!!

Our tickets sold out and we even squeezed in more at the last minute!! It was a great fund-raiser and heck of a lot of fun!! I highly recommend it to others!! Also my house and sewing room is soooooo clean right now that I think I will go and enjoy before it becomes "lived in" again.


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I'm so glad your event turned out beautifully, sewhappy. And thankful the snow didn't stop everyone and didn't cause problems for you all. Sounds like you're quite the chef. Makes me wish we lived closer so I could do the next one and have some pie! Of couse, the quilts would be even more delicious. Who needs to eat pie when there's a quilt to be made? LOL! Congratulations to you!

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That's interesting. I had never heard of a sewing studio tour Patty. Did people purchase tickets at a local fabric shop? How was the money raised used in your community? Glad you had a great time and made your signature treat. I could eat the banana part. My friend makes a carrot cake with soy cream cheese frosting, adapted just for me. ;)


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We had such a great time-the tickets were sold from the guild tho the local quilt shops all advertised the tour and they even bought ad space in the program!! There was a write up in the local paper as well and word spread like wildfire. It was a fund raiser for our guild and monies are used for our charity quilt supplies- We do not ask for donations from shops or members for our charity quilts any more.


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