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Hydraulic Lift table clearance

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So that no one else makes the same mistakes I do, let me remind you to check that you're not going to knock anything over when you are lowering your table with the hydraulic lift.  This morning, I was blissfully lowering away to use my saddle stool, not attending to what was at the opposite end of the table.  CRASH!!

There went the plastic rolling drawer cart that holds all my stuff next to my machine.  3 magnetic pincushions, one plastic lidded container of sharps (old needles, pins, etc.  The lid didn't stay on), glass of water, much of the contents of the top drawer which also caught about 1/2 of the water remaining in the glass.  At least I didn't spill the coffee which was in front on the machine, in easy reach for when I was quilting.  My lovely warm furry slipper caught a good portion of the water, so that's on the shoe dryer now.  And God said "I told you to stop quilting and get ready for work!"

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