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How do you report spam

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I check out the forum early nearly every day. Living in Europe, our time zone is 6 hours ahead of EST so I see spam before most of you. This morning 5 spam subjects had been posted. I would have loved to "report" them so that others on the forum could be spared their content, but I do not know how to report them. Can someone chime in here to explain how to report spam.

Thanks to alll

Sue from Luxembourg

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Sue on any post there is a button on the bottom right hand corner that says report.  Clicking this send a report to the US but it still relies on someone in the US cleaning them out.

Most of us now see a topic and ignore it.  Last night there were numerous ones posted in the French Forum.

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I'll add that after you send in a report please return to the original post and reply by typing "reported". This will show any later members that the offending post has been reported and APQS's clean-up person won't have to follow up on multiple reports--thus saving them time.

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Hi Rita,


You don't need to comment unless you aren't really sure it's spam. Then comment as such. If it's obvious that it's spam, just hitting the "report" link sends me an email to alert me. That's why Linda also reminded people to go back to the spam post and reply "reported". That will spare others from doing the same thing, and from filling my inbox with reports of the same thing. We try to keep an eye on things, but during show season it can fall a little behind. Thanks for all of your efforts to keep this a safe, fun place to hang out!

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