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Machine Bouncing

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Hi First of all Merry Christmas.  I have not been on in a long time so I created a new ID


I have a 1994 UltimateII  I LOVE IT.  


I am having problems and I am not able to resolve it  The machine bounces all the time.  It is level, it has edge rides on it.  It bounces going fast or slow.  It is clean the wheels are clean.  the rollers are even.  I would love if anyone can shed some light on how to fix this.  THANK YOU :D

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Roaafter, the wheel shafts are tightened with an Allen wrench on a axle collar. They shouldn't be too loose & just snug so they don't rotate freely. My UII only bounced in a few places on my table & only at certain speeds. I would call mark at APQS when you get a chance. Is it on a wood table or a metal table. The wood table has separate rails that the wheels ride on and are held in place by screws. Make sure the screws are tight and none are missing. And make sure the bolts on the table are tight as well. Zeke.....

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You will need to take an Allen wrench and loosen the rubber and metal grommet on the side of the machine, where the rod runs through.  Then get the grommet slide right up tight against the machine and tighten it back up. You might need to turn the rod back and forth while holding the grommet part with your hand to slide it.  Call me if you need help. 

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Roadster:  You've been advised on the axles adjustment.  Check and make sure all the bolts that hold the carriage together are tight.  My machine had harmonic vibration at certain speeds before The Intellistitch was installed, and that vibration was most pronounced at about the middle of the machine's "stroke".  It would change if I changed the speed, or moved the machine.  Otherwise I never have had a bouncing problem with it.  While you're checking the belt condition, make sure the motor mounts are also tight.


If you haven't taken the cover off the left side of the head, do so and make sure there is no thread wrapped around the shafts.  Check the needle bar play.  Grab the bar and pull and push, front and back side to side.  There should be no play in it.  I don't think wear there would cause a vibration problem , but maybe.  Check and make sure all the wheels are properly seated in/on their respective tracks.  Make sure the wheel bolts are tight.  Finally make sure your handle mounts are tight.  Loose handles wouldn't make the machine vibrate, but they might make it feel like it does.  I hope you find the problem.  Good luck.  Jim

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Hi Everyone, I have worked all day long for many days now and I am unable to get this to work.  I have retimed it 10 times or more. changed the needle height. Taken the thread tension part out redone that.  I have spoken with Amy, Dawn and I thank them so very much.  I am able to sew about a 20 second span and then the thread breaks, the machine still jumps all the time.  At 9 it slow the jumping but I cannot do ruler work at that speed for sure.  Any other thought?

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There must be a burr somewhere if the thread keeps breaking.  Have you replaced the pigtails and checked the little hole in the needle place with a piece of pantyhose?  As far as the jumping still, are you 100% sure your table is level front to back AND end to end?  How are you threading the machine?    When I had my Ultimate I would go up from the cone, through the hook above the cone, through the middle hole of the first thread guide, through the pigtail above the tensioner, down through the furthest back hole in the three hole guide, back up through the middle hole in the three hole guide, through the tensioner discs, then to the arm and down to the needle. I can send a picture if that doesn't make sense.  Also, try a thread cone on your thread. It might be looping as it comes off the cone.   If you have your heat on you might need to add some Sewer's Aide to the thread cone.  Try some different threads and see if it happens with every thread, or just some threads.   Call me again if you think I can help. 

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Roadster:  Did you check everything on my list?  Has the thread breaking always been a problem, or is it something new since you began trying to correct the "bounce"? 


When exactly did the "bouncing" begin?


You indicate you adjusted the needle bar.  Did you raise or lower it?


Have you checked the belt for damage/wear?  From your original posting, we didn't know the thread was constantly breaking.  Which thread?


What advice did Amy and Dawn give you?  They're the experts, if they can't diagnose it, I don't know what to say.


How much use has the machine seen?  Has it been used a lot?  Has it been stored?  Has it always acted like this?


Did you tighten the axles like Zeke suggested?  How about the frame's bolt like Nigel suggested?


Since the Ult 2 doesn't have a hopping foot per se, we can eliminate it from the "bouncing" problem, but maybe not the thread breaking.  After you re-timed the machine, did you properly adjust the black bobbin basket retainer "finger" properly?  If it's out of adjustment, it could be breaking your thread.


Where are you located?  Do you have mud dabbers there?  We certainly have them in this part of Texas.  If they can get at it, they'll build a nest.  Like the saying around here goes "if you stand in one place too long a mud dabber will build a nest in your ear".   The more specific information you can give us about the machine and it's use, Where it's stored, the better we'll be equipped to help.  Jim

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Cheryl,  Since you are in Northport, FLorida, why don't you try giving Vickie Oliver or Patty Butcher a call?  I would be willing to bet that either of them would be willing to try to get together with you and look at your machine.  One last thing you might try to control the bouncing of the sewing head.  Several years ago somebody posted about putting beanbag weights on the top of the sewing head at the front, opposite of the weight of the motor.  Maybe that would help settle down the bouncing. 

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Hi First of all Merry Christmas.  I have not been on in a long time so I created a new ID


I have a 1994 UltimateII  I LOVE IT.  


I am having problems and I am not able to resolve it  The machine bounces all the time.  It is level, it has edge rides on it.  It bounces going fast or slow.  It is clean the wheels are clean.  the rollers are even.  I would love if anyone can shed some light on how to fix this.  THANK YOU :D



The machine was shaking because the Belt was on the bar too far up and was not straight up and down.  Second the tension was off because, the shepard's hook was not hooked tightly in place.  I did not know that it would tighten and I did not see the belt was forward.  Now I am able to see the needle hitting the fabric.  I can time and time the machine raise and lower the needle height.  I can tighten and screw, bolt, or belt on that machine.  WAHOO  YIPPEE  Thank you everyone. :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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