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How do short people do the 2nd panto row?

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I have just finished my 2nd quilt using a panto, and I have a lot of trouble on the second row on the panto because I bump into the back of the base of the machine with my body. I'm only 5' 3", so I'm thinking that my arms aren't long enough. I'm standing directly behind the machine and a little to the left. Should I be standing somewhere else? I can reach the first row just fine. Should I just do the one row?

Any suggestions are welcome!


Julia Graves

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I'm 5'4" and have my table set so that the panto table is about 4" below my hip bone. It's a little low for doing a lot of pantos, but it enables me to get that second row in. I do also keep the paper closer to me and angle the light almost straight down when I'm setting up. I use a stool in front for custom work - especially to reach the back by the take up roller.



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I'm only 5' tall (or short) and I have found I need the table higher when I do pantos to keep by back from aching. I have on occasion bumped the side of the machine but that's mostly because I'm daydreaming, it's not been a big problem. With the machine higher it's above my hip, I have to stand on my tip toes to look at the quilting but I'm not looking at that anyway when I'm doing a panto, except for checking now and then.

I do try to keep the panto back as far as possible. I have some 13" pantos that I can't slide under the plastic so those I just secure with some masking tape..

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For pantos, many people drive (?) standing to the left of the machine with their left hand on the take-up roller and driving with their right hand only on the left handle. Sounds goofy, but it works. That way you aren't behind the machine and I think there is less strain on your back and neck as you look down on the design and not to the left. Just a thought-give it a try.

Linda Rech

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I'm 5'2" and have no trouble, but I actually added a drawer handle to the back of the machine. My right hand gently pulls that as well as the left handle bar in the back. I don't know how to add a picture here, but if you like, email me privately, and I'll attach a picture for you.

Good luck!

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