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Bliss and Circle Lord

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I presently have a Liberty on a 12 foot table and I want to upgrade to a Bliss table.  I have lots of CL boards that I'm not willing to part with.  Do any of you with a Bliss setup use the CL boards?  Anything I need to be aware of before hand?

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You'll be fine with Bliss and CL long boards.  Potentially just the usual maybe lifting the machine head slightly to have room for the boards on the table.  If you plan on using any of the stencils, i.e. the circle maker or others you'll need to talk to Michael about getting a front mount.  You can't clamp onto the back of the table anymore once you get your Bliss, but it is so worth it!

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Thanks Beth.  I'm about to bite the bullet and order it.  I've been reassured my DH and I can install it.  I don't know what I'm going to do with my old table because I don't want to make a shelf out of it and I really don't have any other use for it.  I'm pretty sure my SideSaddle computer system won't work with it either.  I've questioned both SideSaddle and APQS and no one has an answer as to how to make it work so I've decided I will try to sell that system.  It's a good little system, but I want the Bliss more I guess.

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