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recommend a new or used machine

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I am a Singer person, have several. Look for one with a zig zag stitch that you can use for basic sewing. I get them sometimes for $1.00 at local auctions. No one seems to sew anymore. A 401A may cost you a few dollars more but it has several good features and is one of the best machines Singer made. Stay away form the Touch & Sew models the gears are plastic and break and have to be replaced.

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Richard, If you can find a Singer 401A - grab it. I had one for 50 years, used and used and used. Just gave it to my daughter. Never had one repair in all of those years and it sure did a lot of sewing. I did take very good care of it - oiled regularly and cleaned often. Had two throat plates - one for straight stitching and one for other stitches. The straight stitch was better than on new machines as most of them do not have two throat plates. Can't say enough good things about this machin


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