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Quilt shows

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In just two days I'll be attending the International Quilt Festival Show at Rosemont, here in Chicago.  I haven't been to the show in a few years, but I always enjoy myself.  I notice that this year, APQS is NOT mentioned as a vendor with a booth (I think APQS is at a MQX show somewhere at the same time). 


So I am going to be sure to carry my tote bag with APQS logo on it, and to try out at least a few of the other longarm machines being demo'd, just so I can feel superior!  Yes, I'm just that petty.  I won't bad mouth anyone--just smile smugly and be happy that I chose my Millie.


I've only had Malcolm for 6 months, so I'm still in the "new parent pride" stage--you can't tell me anything! 


The last time I was at a quilt show, quilts stitched on longarms were a relatively new phenomenon.  I'm curious to see what's changed in the interim.  Also, at that time, there was not a division called "modern quilts" and we were just getting comfortable with the idea of "art quilts" ( I had two art quilts on display at the show the last time I was there). 


I'm sure I'll come home with a bag full of hand-dyed fabrics and cones of thread, and a head full of ideas! 

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I was going to attend that show but couldn't find a lot of info on it.  It also said it was a trade show and I closed my business last year when I moved so I don't have a business license.  I'm having withdraws, there aren't any big shows close to me here in Michigan.  Have fun and send us a report on how the show was.

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