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I took off the thread cutter!

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I finally had time to take of the thread cutter. But now I have questions concerning the Rulermate.

When I put the Rulermate on the machine I had a signiicant gape between the base and the hoping foot. I put the washers back on that were under the original plate, but I am not sure that was the right thing to do.

Should I have adjusted the hopping foot and not used the washers??? Also, it now sounds louder that it did before, I am thinking it must be the plate.

Now I am seconding guessing taking off the thread cutter. 

Ugh! :(  :(  :(

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So, you had a rulermate that was made for the machine WITH the thread cutter on? So THAT space is now void? If that's the case,

YES, you need a new baseplate.

If NOT, and you ordered the baseplate for a machine WITHOUT the thread cutter, then using the washers is the correct thing to do!

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I'm sorry, I should have clarified what I had!!!!

My Rulermate was for my Freedom, which did not have a threadcutter. So to use my old Rulermate I had to take off the threadcutter and then attach the plate. But the gap between the Rulermate and hopping foot was alot. So I put the washers on which did bring up the height, but I still needed to adjust the height a little more.

My concern, is that it sounds different.

Should I take the washers off, and adjust the hopping to where it should be, or leave it with the washers on??? :huh:  :huh:  :huh:

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