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Are there different thread tension when the quilt is in the frame and when we removed the quilt the frame?

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Hello, I have a question, it seemed to understand that when you remove a quilt frame, the tension of the threads changes, and the bobbin thread pull towards the back fabric, being able to show the bobbin thread in back, although when the quilt was placed in the frame, the tension would look good. Thanks

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I don't think this is correct. While the line of stitching may look like it's buried more when it's off the frame, as opposed to when it's tight on the frame, the actual tension doesn't change much. If the tension is bad, it may be disguised a bit, especially with lofty batting. But if the tension looks good on the frame, it won't change to bad when the quilt is removed. Have you found this to be a problem? 

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I agree, up to a point.  What it looks like on the machine, may look diff off the frame.

It was tension, which didn't show up bad on the frame, but was different in that area

when off.  It turned out to be a bad bobbin.

I had to frog that area, put it back on the frame and re-quilt.   Pray you don't have to

do that when you are doing a panto.. and then also keep a close eye on the backing.

It is easier to do with a zipper system.

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