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Bonnie, I thought you were going to say you had quilted it into the quilt. I am glad it was only your back pocket.

Mary Beth, I can just see everyone looking for a vibrating bush.

My boss may figure out pretty soon that the tape in the dictation machine is just sitting there if I keep laughing out loud. Nothing he says is that funny

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My only experience with a pager was when it was set on vibrate, and I was holding it in my lap. We were at a performace of "The Nutcracker", and I was supposed to gather people when the bus pulled up in front of the theater. I about went through to the 2nd balconey when that little thingy went off!


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I'm sorry Beth, but that's funny.....

Now you know what I would have done if mine had gone off....They would have just found me dead on the floor....it makes me jump when I know its on vibrate, can't imagine what would happen if I forgot.:D:P

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I also thought that you were going to say that you quilted it into the quilt.

I was laughing so hard that my son got out of bed to see if I was ok. Had to read him the story.

Mary Beth,

That would have been a sight to see, a vibrating bush, how did you ever find it?

After reading those two stories I had tears running down my cheeks, I couldn't even see the monitor. Keep the funnies coming. Need to laugh more.


Red Leaf Quilting

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We looked like dorks leaning over all the brush piles, with our ears to the pile! We looked at each other and realized how silly we looked and then we laughed so hard we couldn't hear the vibration. Finally we bent over just the right pile and, bzzzzz, there it went. It would only ring about 3 times then it would go to voice mail, so it had about 15 missed calls :D

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I'm glad you did find your phones ladies - yes - that vibrator mode scares

me too! I forget onetime and had it in a upper chest shirt pocket, tickled

me silly! Oh my! A friends husband lost his out in the corn field..... took him

much longer than 15 missed calls to find that one! But he did.

I LOVE the sock story! SO funny!!

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