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Small world!

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What a small world. The other day I was reading the list and saw that there was a Patty in Tualatin posting on the list. Funny, I thought. I live in Tualatin, too. I wonder if we've ever crossed paths.

Well, today our paths slammed together! LOL!

Her wonderful DS is taking saxophone lessons from my son! As the boys were in the music room doing their thing, Patty and I started talking about kids and stuff in the adjoining room. Turns out she was also interested in a quilt I had on the wall. We started talking about quilting and I find she's saving for a longarm AND is on this list!!!

Just as they were leaving we discovered we recognized each other's list names! Wow! This truly IS a small world. (I invited her to come up to the studio during the next lesson. Now I have a real excuse to clean it up. LOL)

Hi, Patty~~~~~~:)

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How 'bout that!! Jeanne, "Shadows4" and I found out we are almost next door neighbors....The lady that made my DD's wedding cake - dropped it off then went to Jeanne's and told her that she had just dropped a cake at a machine quilter's house just up the road...surprise it was me. We met and have become good friends.

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Hey, you're quick! I actually went right to the music store in L.O, after I picked up DD from our church, as it's in Lake Grove, and we bought the two books and a cheap strap (we'll see if he needs the $30 one before we fork that over!). I hope it's alright that we got the tenor sax book, not the alto, or does your DS need my DS to use the one your DS is used to? (Is that cryptic, or what? LOL!)

Do I use your real name here or not? I won't if you'd rather not. Can't remember if I've seen you use it before on here.

Boy, I think it's the GREATEST thing to have someone to talk about quilting with, and other things we have in common because of the kids' school and having lived in the same area before, while my DS gets his sax lessons. Yay!!!

And hey everybody, Hotquilts has the most BEAUTIFUL home! That quilt on the wall is GORGEOUS, and she's trapunto'd the background with graceful hearts and a very lovely design. The colors are so pretty, and all the corners meet perfectly. I felt so happy and welcome there, Hotquilts. Thanks so much!

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Well well well, it's a small world indeed. How cool is thaaat?

Ironically, just the other day, I clicked on Hotquilts's profile on the APQS chat site (right here) and I noticed she has a home page link listed in her profile, Hotquilts.com so I clicked on that thing and saw her beautiful gallery of quilts, the book she has written, "Breaking the Code," etc.... Her name is out on her web site, and on her book cover, etc. there so I don't think this is a big super secret on naming names here! :) (hi Christine!) LOL! I'm gonna order your BOOK!

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ROFLOL! It's perfectly already to use my name. I just haven't bothered to do a signature line in these forums (I belong to too many ;) ) and I forget to sign my name. A lot of the veterans here already know me. I've taken classes from many of them, especially when I was first learning longarming. (My first longarm teacher was Darlene Epp at Longarm University. GREAT teacher, btw!)

Patty didn't look THAT close at my quilt. Believe me, there are flaws and one corner in particular has a "problem". ...But you can't tell from 20 paces on a galloping horse! ;)

Patty, your DS should be working out of the tenor sax book. If Andrew wrote "alto" it was probably just force of habit.

Thank you for your kind words, Patty. I especially like that you were gracious enough not to mention my "banana" walls and ceilings in the entryway. (A color choice gone awry! A color correction is on my DH's long list of honey-do projects. LOL!) My house is one long work in progress... VBG

Oops, there I did it again. Forgot to sign my name!

Christine Olson

(obivously I am proof-reading challenged. Gee, what would Ms. Baker say about THAT? ROFLOL!) ---and Patty now I'm laughing so hard I can hardly breathe. I even had to go back and correct my punctuation!!! (private joke, guys)

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Was checking out your web site and reading the book reviews and thought wow Dolly Parton is a quilter. Then looked again and its Dotty not Dolly. Had to chuckle to myself, thought I would share.

By the way the book looks like it would be useful, putting on my list of must/have's.

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Hey Christine (there, I've done it now! LOL!), I'm so glad you have that website where I can view more of your quilts. They're gorgeous!! But you are toooooo funny about whatever wallpaper you have in your entry-way. Do you think I even SAW it? I was so focused on my son meeting your son etc., and when we left I was so excited about having met a REAL LIVE LONGARMER, I don't think I even SAW your entryway. LOLAROTF myself! :D:D

I truly want to buy your book, and would LOVE to take your classes, if you would teach again. I'm taking a class down at Quilts NW in Sherwood this Saturday, where we'll learn to use a pattern that's reputedly (wonder what Ms. Baker or Ms. Madani would think of my using THAT word here....;) ) impossible to follow on your own. Normally I'd say phaw! and do it just to show them, so there. But this time I'm feeling rather drained so will let somebody hold my hand, and then I'll also get a top made quicker (more quickly??) than otherwise. But I ramble.... I was thinking you might try teaching there, if you decide you want to do that again.

Or did you mean you taught quilting from your home? Which would be nice..... But don't let me arrange you life for you, LOL! I know you want to spend more time with your home and family, and I really know what you mean.

Sheryl, that is SO FUNNY!! :D:D:D

Shana, thanks for alerting me to be more alert. I never even thought of looking at her profile, and I'm so glad to find the book as the shop lady never even heard of it. A new market for you, Christine!

Oh, and Andrew had sent home his alto sax book, so I wasn't too sure, but figured John should have the tenor anyway as that's his instrument. Never knew there were so many options in the world of brass. Ha!

Hey, your quilt grabbed me from that galloping horse ..... well actually ya'll I had just sat down on the sofa, but jumped right up out of myself when I saw that quilt ..... because it's stunning. OK? Now quit it with the self-depracation (oh dear, hope those teachers aren't lurking.... is that how you spell that? ;) )

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