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birthday toys!

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Sandra - I like that! A mental health day!!:D When I had my "other job" I

would tell my husband now and then that I needed to just "call in stupid!"

I was never really sick - just needed a day off!! What is sick pay for, right?

Yes Beth - have you been playing with those toys yet? We do tend to go a

bit off subject now and then..;) Oh but what fun! And things we can talk

about and learn, and help each other. It really does keep us going.:)

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I'm here! Still haven't had a chance to play with the new toys. Waiting to be able to embroder the quilt labels for my quilts, and for thread that I should have ordered long ago to arrive.

I think I'll hide upstairs and clean and organize the disaster area that I refer to as the "sewing room" today.


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