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thread tension HELLLLLLLLLP

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It seems to take me forever to adjust tension every time I change thread. So far the only thread I have had any luck with is a rayon embroidery thread of 40 weight. When I use this thread I love working. Right now I'm trying a verigated 100% cottong and no matter what I do I get the little loopies on the back which I believe means I need to tighten my tension and yet when threading it feels to tight as it is. I also notice that my bottom tension is just laying on the backing not being pulled through wich again I believe is due to top tension. And yet if I go back and put on a rayon I have no problem adjusting the tension. I want to not be limited by thread choice so any ideas would be helpful.


The Quilt Lady

Tina Caderma

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Tina: The rayon thread is thinner than the cotton so in theory, you would need to loosen your top tension.

First, which cotton thread are you using?

Try this: You're threading your needle front to back. What I do is pull the thread through the back until it feels really tight. Then I back off just a little, sew on an edge that will be covered with binding or lay a swatch of fabric over the batting so you have a little practice sandwich that will be cut away. Start sewing and your top tension should be tight enough to where your stitches look pulled. Begin loosening the top tension until your stitches look good.

My bottom thread appears to lay on top when my bobbin tension is too tight. If you're using a metal bobbin, I think APQS recommends that it drop 5 - 6 inches. I keep mine just a little bit looser.

It is definitely a tension issue. If rayon thread runs fine, that probably means there are no burrs or rough spots you need to worry about.

Check your bobbin tension, work on your top tension. No reason why you can't get it to work without any hassles.

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I echo what Judy says but even more so. I have to have little or no bobbin tension to make good stitches when using cotton thread. I also have three bobbin cases, one for the thicker cotton, one for my favorite So Fine (Superior rayon) and one for the very fine (Bottom Line). That way I don't have to start from scratch every time I change my thread type.


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Guest Linda S

Do you have a Towa Bobbin Tension Gauge? I got one with my machine (it was a little extra) and so far, using that gauge in the bobbin, I have had no problems adjusting my threads in the top. I have used bottom line top and bottom, cotton top and bottom, cotton on top with bottom line in the bobbin, rainbows, poly, just about any combination with no problem. I'm really new to this, so I really believe your machine can run just about anything, you just have to get the adjustments right. I also use the Tug of War article in the education section of the Superiorthreads.com website if I'm having trouble. I hope you get it to work for you. I love to play with thread, so I am determined that everything will work as I want it to.


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