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Photos of Finished "Chain of Hearts" quilt

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Shana - your quilt and quilting are lovely. Great feather hearts! You were talking about fullness.

As for dealing with fullness, this is what works for me. Before I do anything on the quilt, I run a line across the top and down the sides of the quilt, attaching it to the backing. When doing this, I leave the side clamps off. I make sure the bottom is pulled out to the sides and the top is lying smoothly. I quilt down the sides as far as possible. I then attach the clamps with just enough pull to stabalize the quilt. After I finish whatever I am quilting , I move the quilt again and leave the side clamps off while attaching the top to the bottom. Then attach the side clamps again. I find that if I attach the clamps to the sides, it leaves "pull" spots. By leaving them off, they are smooth on the side.

I find that if there is any fullness in the top or bottom, it is taken up in the sid or design I am quilting and makes a very smooth finish. The fabric cannot be pulled anywhere but from the existing sandwich. Hope this is a clear description. If not, let me know. :)

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Linda in Olympia: Thanks for the Peanut Butter sandwich analogy in rolling a quilt. :) It made perfect sense to me. After I read your message, I started craving for a PB&J sandwich! LOL!! I LOVE THOSE THINGS!!! Yummmy.......(I'll have mine with extra peanut butter and jelly -- so it oozes out the sides while I'm eating it--that's the only (fun) way to eat a PB&J)!

Kerri and Carol: Thank you so much for your "Tips" to keep the ripples away. I will use your tips in the future.

I have found that there is something unique and special about longarm quilters and their ingenious ideas to work the kinks out. Y'all are very creative in your problem-solving!

I really appreciate all of you here with your excellent, sage advice and kind words of support. I truly do not think I could have done this without the help and positive support from all of you. I think I've been on this chat for nearly a year and there is a wealth of information on this site that no "how to" book could hold a candle to. You're the best friends a girl like me could ever have!!!!!!! :)

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I think you did a fabulous job on the quilt. I also think the choice of quilt blocks is perfect for this situation. How sad! I am always moved to tears when I read the stories of how quilters are so caring and giving of their time, expertise and cost of supplies, etc., to reach out and offer comfort to people in these tragic situations.


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You did an excelent job on your quilting, those feathered hearts are beautiful! They look like you have been doing them for years :)

I never saw a Tripple Irish Chain quilt with hearts before in the chains. What a great idea...I wonder what other types of blocks could be added in that spot other than the hearts...hmmmm sounds like it could be a great book, a new twist to an old favorite. ;)

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Originally posted by mrsbishwit

I never saw a Tripple Irish Chain quilt with hearts before in the chains. What a great idea...I wonder what other types of blocks could be added in that spot other than the hearts...hmmmm sounds like it could be a great book, a new twist to an old favorite. ;)


Here is a link to Kimmy Brunner's webshots page with photos of AMAZING AMAZING quilting of an Irish chain with STUNNING feathers. I wanna be like Kimmy when I grow up. Like many of you quilters, she totally rocks my quilting world!


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:P Phyllis, OK I am embarrassed to admit that YES, I have had grilled PB&J sandwiches and they are so YUMMMMMMM-EEEE.

I have to say it has been a long long time (maybe a year) since I've had me a PB&J. I have a fond appreciation of peanut butter so it doesn't last long in my house. Anything with peanut butter in it and I'm right on that big time! I have purposefully avoided buying more peanut butter because it is so darned fattening.

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