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I am a relatively new quilter, but wanted to share a project that is on display. Please view http://www.hopefoundation.org/hope/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=216&Itemid=8&limit=1&limitstart=1

I was approached by Zenobia Washington, who pieced this quilt. This was her first quilt. I didn't know anything about her or this organization prior to her approaching me about doing the quilt.

After I did the quilt, she told me the quilt would be on a traveling display, and would wind up on Broadway in January. Imagine my surprise.

Hope you will be able to see the quilting. I did a puzzle meander.


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Thank you all for the encouring words. I guess I should rephrase...I've been quilting a while. I made my first quilt with my Grandmother at age 8. I'm sure she did most of the quilting, but I remember spending hours at the loom.

I was fortunate to be able to get an APQS Millennium in May and have doing quilts for others since. I do have the Compu-Quilter as well. It's been challenging. While Tina Collins did a very good job at showing me how to operate it, it is still rather self-taught. I see a pattern and practice, practice, practice until I get it presentable. But I'm having a blast.

BTW, there will be more quilts to follow. They plan at least 5 more.


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